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Tuesday, June 20, 2017


"The status of human mind is as important as primary needs. The only road to greatness is in the mind. If you cannot grow your mind, you cannot grow your life."

We welcome us back to another phase in another beginning that will shape-in another experience to create another expression in our lives. We want to appreciate you all for your feedbacks on the just concluded series "Dream a Dream" In fact you are all wonderful. I pray that God will continue to bless us all in Jesus name. Also, we cannot do but to appreciate God, the source of all wisdom who gives us portions to share with His people every week. May His name be glorified.

This is another start where God is bringing us more closer to the point of getting us onto His purpose. The major priority in the mind of God is for you and me to fulfil. And if you are something less, you get to check yourself. On this note, God has given us another thing to shape in our lives that will still unlock every locked destiny and place it on greatness. Then we shall be discussing the topic that says; Mind Your Mind.

Mind is the central processing unit in every human being. It's the most essential part but abstract unit of life. Mind is great and it's the engine room where all affairs of live is coordinated. The scriptures says that out of it flows issues of life. Mind is the central organ that conjoins the works of other organs in human body. Though, science has failed to identify the shape and location of human mind in the body. But no one has technically disproved the existence of mind. Everyone has mind. We are all products of our mind.
It's the mind that process what your life is now. It's your mind that takes you far or farther in life. Whatever you see in existence today is a product of mind. There is nothing, yes, I mean it, nothing you can achieve without the help of your mind. God is using this abstract organ to prove His overall majesty to us. It's on this platform that issues of live are formed. You are an individual with a mind. All of us possess one mind or the other. There is nobody without a mind.

However, the research has shown that human mind is the less fed organ in life. We take less effort to apply cautions that will bring the effectiveness of this unit. Most of us are too conscious of our eyes, we are too concerned about our hands and other parts of our body. But we are less concern about our mind. This is the place where you are formed. In fact, it's reasonable to tell you today that every great, sick, healthy or poor person is a product of mind. If you are great today, you are because your mind is great. Also, if you are poor, you are because your mind is poor. But we do not know it. We just assume that greatness is automatic, no, it's consciously built in the mind. Also, our health has marvelous things to do with our mind. Some people are trapped in sickness because their minds are sick. We have to treat our mind to get to where God wants for us.

Another human fallacy about mind is that we refuse to grow our mind. Hmm, mind is invisible but research has proved that it takes conscious development to bring out its effectiveness. What grows the mind boils than to what we take into the mind every time. Food grows the body, yes there are things that grow the mind also. We all have the same mind from the beginning but individuals unconsciously narrow their minds. This forms basis for different types of minds that we have. And it also constitutes why we are so different. Whatever you see happening around the world today is as a result of how people trained or fed their mind. If these are the cases of the mind, I think you and me need to know how to mange our mind to bring life effectiveness. You have to know how to sensibly nurture our minds to greatness. It's nothing but the fact that if you are not great in your mind you can't be great in life. This is what God will be revealing to us in this series. As you will practically engage your mind in life journey, I know God has started a new beginning with you. Starting from today, you have to mind your mind. God bless you.
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