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Tuesday, June 27, 2017


"The greatness of a man is contained in the abundance of his mind"

It's a privilege to see another glorious day. Our earnest desire is to come over each week to bring the mind of God closer to His people for super natural enlargement and fulfilment. And it's our prayer that you shall be enlarged in Jesus name.

Last week, we started a course on the important unit of man's life, the Mind. We have been able to attach essentiality of life to this invisible compartment. It's through the mind that issues of life are generated.
However, this week, we shall proceed to describe what are the different kinds of mind that human beings possess. If you do not forget, we said last week that what forms the basic types of mind is what we take into mind. Now, we need to discuss each type of mind carefully in order to let individuals see themselves in the mirror of this lesson. As we discuss the types of mind, we encourage us to carefully see ourselves in a class. Though, We have simplified our discussion for easy understanding.

1. Negative mind: This should have been a grand group of minds that are affected with wrong notions, Other writers may do that. But we intentionally discuss it as a type here to bring out an effect. A negative mind is a mind that has no possibility. This mind is full of impossibilities of all kinds. People that have this mind have little but no faith in making something happen. This mind can affect human being to the point of doing nothing about life. Why? Because every step requires investment and invention. But a person with a negative mind cannot invest neither can he invent. Everything is not possible to him. He goes around thinking in his mind that only thing that is possible in life is living. Some of the people who engage this mind believe much in wrong doctrine that God is partial. They believe that success can only be achieved by a set of people. What characterized the mouth of a negative person is No. If you take your request in one hundred and thousand times to a person like that, I can assure you that his answers will always be No. If they allow such people to take managerial responsibility in organizations, they can end a running organization. They only believe their existence, nothing more, nothing else. These people have to be thoroughly trained to change their system of mind.
So many people on the streets have this mind. I have met a person for some years and I discovered that he always turned down people's requests. Everything to him is impossible. Yes, are you not in this class? You are affecting your family by thinking that you cannot have a peaceful home. You developed a negative attitude in your home. You are affecting your church by your negative mind. You have killed an organization because of your faithlessness. The most saddest of all is that you are affecting your life. You are setting limit for your future.
But you don't have to go around with a mind like this. You have to work on developing an upgrading faith. Jesus said that everything is possible for those who believe. The simple dote to cure this heart disease is to stop disbelieving and start believing. Get yourself into the solid faith system. You can write it boldly on the wall in your office or home that "everything is possible for those who believe". And you should develop a heart of saying yes to people's requests. You have to be positive. Negation will only end up negating your life and career. You cannot go far like that. You have to stand and reprocess your mind to contain what will take you higher. You are tired for things are not working because of your negative mind. Don't be tired, start believing. Start telling yourself that everything is possible. Tell yourself that you can do it. Start doing it. Remember that everyone is just naturally like you but others make things happen because they don't ask how, they only ask for what. Don't sit down thinking of how to do it. That can inform you that it's impossible. But stand up and do it. Someone said "if God ask me to fly, I will just fly because I believe He will give me wings to fly." That thought, that advice that's brought to your table, that request need an affirmative answer. Don't turn them down, keep believing, keep yourself alive.
We shall continue next week. I pray that the Super natural hands of God will change your mind for super natural uplift in Jesus name.

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