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Tuesday, June 6, 2017


"The ladder that connects dream to reality is just manifestation".

We are happy every week as we meet God and He gives us unction to bring in fresh things to our dining every now and then. And also, We want to appreciate us for our encouragements, spiritual supports and advice; they keep us going, God will increase you all in Jesus name. We love you.

This week, we are moving closer to the end of this series. God has opened our eyes so far to understand what it takes to create a purposeful life. Following the same terrain, we shall continue on our journey to be looking at what makes a dream comes to reality.

10. Work with a plan: The Bible says "Man plans his ways". So many people have problem in this area. If you have a dream, what makes your dream seems sensible is giving your dream a sketched shape. You have to plan how and with appropriate time what your actions and inactions will be. You can't just go around planless and expect your life to reflect what you dream. There are so many dangers in not planning: You are liable to lose your focus, you are vulnerable to work out of your dream territory, you may end up fulfilling nothing. Every establishment you see around is carefully planned for. You have to give your journey a plan. Don't just work around with an unstructured mind. Get yourself what will direct your life. Have details of how you will go by, step by step. Appropriate Planning wins battle.

11. Train your attitude: You cannot grow beyond your attitude. Attitude is everything. You have to make a choice of attitude before your life can become what you dream of. Many times people tend to settle for less in life because of their attitudes. You have to make a correlated attitude to your dream. Once your attitude and your dream are in contrary your manifestation will be affected. So, brethren mind your attitude. Don't make a negative attitude that will destroy your life. You have to learn right attitude. Attitude is a choice, nobody will make it for you, you get to make it for yourself. You will make a choice either to stay positive or negative about your dream. One of the greatest neglected treasures in life is attitude. People care less about their attitudes but desire to be great. What makes the greats great is attitude. Learn how to train yourself up to the attitudinal standard of your dream. You can't dream of becoming a manager and have obnoxious attitude, even you won't be able to manage yourself. Learn attitude well because it determines your success.

12. Learn to connect dream developers: You can't work alone. I think one of our previous lessons has addressed this. Your connection will determine your greatness. You must stay connected to the right people that will help your dream. Don't choose wrong company, it kills a dream faster than anything. Work with people that believe your dream, people that can help you grow, people that will sow good seeds to your life. Get a mentor, someone who has done what you intend to do. Let them train both your knowledge and spirit. Fashion your mind in relationship to your dream... Greatness is never to far but we all have to take the right path. The only ladder between dream and reality is manifestation. You shall succeed.
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