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Friday, February 17, 2017


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Today is 17 February 2017. This will be my first write up on this platform this year. I am sorry for the delay. Hope my apology is accepted?
At times, you look at yourself and begin to wonder…”is this not how I should go about it? Is this not the way it should be done? What will I do now?”These questions keep coming because; you sincerely don’t get what it takes to play along with life. Like I said in part 1 of this write up, “… in game of life, life will tell you where to play and when to play. You can then play better following the steps as postulated by life”.
My friend, in the game of life, there is nothing like; I want to give up. This is very common with youth of this generation, they give up easily. Don’t forget; “when the going gets tough, only the tough gets going”. Don’t look down on yourself, don’t give up, don’t say you cannot do it, don’t say it is over…know fully well that; you can do it, you have the ability to overcome, yes!!! You can.
When life is playing it game, life may use different channels in getting you confused. This is just like you want to play for the under 17 football team of your country, and among your opponent are people of closed to 30years of age, when you are just 16 years. Fear may grip you, but the focus and the victory you want to attain will keep you going. The same should be done in game of life. Different things may happen, trying to discourage you, different people may come into your life, trying to make your life worse, don’t look at these distractions, keep your calm, be focused and you will surely overcome.
Let me quickly tell you this, in the game of life, always look out for the best, even if life doesn’t offer you the best, strive for the best “THE BEST WAY TO LIVE, IS TO LIVE ON THE BEST”. You must work for everything…work like never before “HE WHO DOESN’T WANT TO WORK FOR SUCCESS, SHOULD BE READY TO ENTERTAIN FAILURE”. Don’t stop being focused “THE MOMENT YOU STOP BEING FOCUSED ON THE FUTURE, THAT MOMENT, YOU STOP LIVING”. The game of life should not overcome you….THANKS
Oyewale Oluwaseun Adetunji

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