The last principle that shall be discussed as prerequisite for academic excellence is the principle of unity.This principle places primitive in seeing things, one part of a whole and the oneness of things.It reminds us that knowledge with limited boundaries, is incomplete knowledge.This however does not mean you should be a jack of all trade and master of none, but that knowledge entails knowing something about everything.
For instance,in the department of linguistics and languages,phonology has some topics that involves calculations where you'd have to work them out like mathematics before a valid answer is achieved.Syntax too has to adopt the use of political terminologies in order to arrive at a particular conclusion.The proponents of the theories used in these fields of discipline were able to use the principle of unity in that, they cut across all forms of discipline to impact their own field.
Chomsky for example,is a professor of linguistics,political science and mathematics.Well,this principle does not preach that you become a professor of all disciplines, but get the knowledge of as many disciplines as you can.
Excellence is all round not selective.You need to approach everything with a high level of commitment.It is not the best to just maintain a robust CGPA and not be able to participate in discussions that are outside your academic field of study.Of what use is a first class student of perhaps Pyhsics and Electronics who does not know the correct use of tenses,verbs and ends up committing blunders? Such knowledge is incomplete!
Knowledge gained in one area has a way of complimenting and reinforcing competency in another.NO LEARNING IS WASTE.You sincerely need to bring different knowledge together in unity in order to attain academic excellence!
As you apply these principles in your academic escapade,you will find academic excellence but do yourself the good of applying it outside academics.
Apply these rules to your day to day life and you will soon see yourself at the TOP . LET US MEET AT THE TOP
Oyewale Oluwaseun Adetunji
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