Gambia: President-elect Adama Barrow Alive And Well - UPDATES MEDIA NG

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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Gambia: President-elect Adama Barrow Alive And Well

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Gambia’s president-elect, Adama Barrow is alive and kicking, JollofNews can confirmed.

Earlier this afternoon, a fake news website, Skytrendnews, reported that Mr Barrow 51, was killed by unknown assailants in the Gambian capital, Banjul.

According to the website, the assailant overpowered Mr Barrow’s private security guards, leaving two of the guards dead and other six injured from gunshots.

But this paper can confirmed that Mr Barrow, who will be sworn-in on January 19th as Gambia’s third president is not only alive, but living happily and healthily with his family and getting on with his plans to govern the small West African nation.

The former property developer, Wednesday held a series of engagements with coalition partners and other stakeholders at the luxurious Coco Ocean Hotel, where he is staying until he moves to the State House in Banjul.

“Mr Barrow and the entire members of the coalition are all here and going about their business,” a member of the opposition confirmed this

“This story is nonsense. It is only aimed at one thing; cause confuse and anxiety. Gambians should ignore this rumours and continue with their preparations to inaugurate their president on January 13th.”

Tension is high in the Gambia and security officers are put on stand-by after President Jammeh unilaterally annulled the results of the December 1st election which was won by Mr Barrow and called for fresh elections.

Mr Jammeh, 51, who has ruled the Gambia since July 1994 had initially conceded defeat and praised the country’s electoral system as “the most transparent election in the whole world,” adding that he would not contest the result.

He later changed his mind and filed a lawsuit at the supreme court asking it to declare him winner of the elections.

Mr Jammeh said he had pulled more votes in the election than his opposition rival and should therefore be declared the duly elected president of the Gambia instead of Adama Barrow.

Mr Barrow and the international community including the United Nations have rejected Mr Jammeh’s rejection of the election results and have urged him step down.

Leaders of the West African regional grouping have officially authorised a so-called Ecowas Standby Force (ESF) to intervene militarily if Mr Yahya Jammeh refuses to give up power when his mandate expires on January 18.

A December 17 resolution mandates the ESF to deploy a Senegal-led military force to oust  Mr Jammeh who is challenging the election result after initially conceding defeat to Barrow and promising a smooth handover of power.

But as the deadline nears, Mr Jammeh is still standing his ground and has vowed to fight off any foreign invasion.

In a televised addressed on Saturday he said: “We have been principled, vehemently condemned violence but we shall never condone injustice and we will also not be threatened. Our sovereignty will not be compromised. Let me make it very clear, we are ready to defend this country against any aggression and there will be no compromise for that. My government will Inshallah [Allah willing] never  opt for such confrontation unless when we are compelled to defend our sovereignty, independence and dignity.

“Defending our independence and sovereignty is a sacred duty for all patriotic Gambians more so the Gambia Armed Forces. On the basis of liberate policy, my government developed an atmosphere of peace and stability in our country and we remain strongly committed to guard the sustenance of this culture of peace that is the envy of my nation and we will defend it to the last person.”

Source: Jollofnews

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