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Monday, May 7, 2018


By Moyosore Teniola


Foluke met Oladayo during her third year in the University.  She was the kind of girl that almost every guy that came in contact with will never want to let go. She is of an average height and a beautiful countenance, quiet but firm. Though she was an average student, yet one of the most respected in her department because of her strong moral principles. She loved and served God all through her University days.  She never had a love relationship because she purposed in her heart  not to do so until she graduated from the University.  

Her decision changed when she met Dayo.
Oladayo was then a 500 level Civil Engineering Student. They had met at a Seminar held in honour of the graduating students that very year. Dayo was so much interested in Foluke the very moment he set his eyes on her. He had never been in a relationship too but was really attracted to her. They exchanged contact and started their friendship. Though,  they had no strings attached at first, but they gradually became so fond of each other that they both became an Item on campus.

Not long after, Dayo graduated and went for his National Youth Service in one of the South-Southern states of Nigeria.  Nevertheless,  he kept in touch with Foluke all through. The day he finally proposed marriage to her was the happiest day of his life because Foluke immediately accepted to marry him. Theirs was a holy courtship.  He was a virgin and he looked forward to his wedding night with Foluke.
A year after his proposal, Foluke completed her NYSC  programme and a year later, they had a beautiful wedding,  a dream come true! 


Foluke paced through the hotel room for some minutes.  She tried calling her husband's number but it wasn't getting through. 'Where on earth could he have gone to?' She thought.  What is supposed to be a joyful honeymoon has suddenly turned to an episode of tears for her. She resumed her crying again.  Just then,  a thought flashed through her mind.
"Could that be?" She asked herself. 
"No, it can't", she continued in her thoughts, shaking her head vigorously.  She wasn't really sure of her thoughts.

She reached for her phone and dialled her mum's number. "Mommy! Please come over, my marriage is on Fire!" She screamed into the phone. 
"Which marriage are you talking about Foluke?" Her mother asked in alarm...

To be continued in Episode 3

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