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Thursday, April 12, 2018


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 "The only line that leads to your greatness is within yourself, reveal it!"

So many times we keep on assuming that we know when actually we need to ask reasonable questions about our lives. This characterizes why some of us fail, why we don’t last, why we can’t make a difference and why we don’t grow towards our purpose. The simplicity of life is in asking questions and getting solutions to do things better than how they are being done now. 
With this, you are welcome to our thought-blowing lesson, *Grow Your life and the Law of Curiosity is our focus.* As we continue where we stopped, it’s our prayer that the Lord will give you some life-shaping answers as you begin to ask right questions about your life.

7. *Stop Looking for The Right Answer:* Some people are curios but only to have a close ended mind. They think there is a single answer to what they ask. This is not true. There are millions of answers to your question. Keep looking for those answers and start with any of them. _You can never find the right answer._ Even if you think you have found one it will stop you from searching for new ideas.
In addition, when you land on what you consider to be the right answer, you become complacent.  No idea is perfect.  No matter how good it is, it can always be improved upon. Don’t stop searching for more.

8. *Get Over Yourself:* Most people don’t like it when they go out and ask questions that makes them stupid. Sorry, failure is part of life. You have to fail in order to rise. Don’t because of that hide yourself. You have to overcome yourself. Get over that and practice what can make your life better.

9. *Get Out of the Box:* As Thomas Edison Said “ *There aren’t no rules around here!  We’re trying to accomplish something!”* Good ideas are everywhere, but it’s hard to see them when you won’t look outside of your box.  Instead of remaining confined, people need to break down the walls of their boxes, get out, and become hunters of ideas. Most in-the-box thinkers possess a scarcity mind-set.  One of the keys to abundance is having a solution-oriented mind-set.  The average person think of himself as positive, but he’s not being solution-oriented.

10. *Enjoy Your Life:* I think the only way to remain curious and keep growing is to enjoy your life. When you enjoy your life, the lines between work and play begin to blur. We do what we love and love what we do. Everything will become learning experience. Don’t make yourself too rigid. You have to develop a habit of finding solace in whatever you do. _Mind you, you can’t succeed in what you are not happy at doing._

We have come to the end of the Law of Curiosity. I think you have to pause here and ask yourself some great questions. Where am I coming from? And where am I going? These two questions will define and direct your life if you can give sincere answers to them. *The only line that leads to your greatness is within yourself, reveal it!* YOU SHALL SUCCEED.

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 *Contact us for counselling, seminar, lecture, motivational programme and empowerment moment and God will give us grand to break barriers.*

 _Pathfinder 08162865972, 07061116158, 07066620020._ 
 _Instagram: Orodiran Oluwatosin Sunday_


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