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Tuesday, December 13, 2016



   When I was a little child,  I remember how much we took offering serious. My mum would give us a token and instructed us to drop it into the box which we most times did if we hadn't spent it before getting to the church.  On growing up a bit,  I took offering more seriously. I wouldn't dare step into church if I did not have money to pay as offering. Due to the way the church talked about not paying it,  I felt I will be damned if I did not pay. With time I came to realize that Christ never mandated offering. He never said that we must pay a particular amount as churches do. God that brings down the same rain on the wicked and righteous,  why will he bless me less because I don't  pay what I do not have?
    There are two booming businesses in Nigeria now,  "churches and hotel services. "once a man finds out that he has failed in all areas of life,  that is when he remembers that God called him,  then set up a business centre and calls it a church. He will start mandating offering like taxes,  and our own selves will believe the "DO AS I SAY, DON'T DO AS I DO" crooner.
It is preposterous that most people find their doom jumping from one church to another. This pastors lack biblical understanding and have destroyed many homes due to their ostensible ignorance on pertinent issues, mostly sex,  courtship,  relationship and marriage. They are the typical example of the kinds that john warned us about in revelation.
    The primary reason why this researcher penned down this piece is because of happenings in campus fellowships.  Most CF have metamorphosed into fashion shows and dating center,  oiled with a lot of show off. Before the young pastor mounts on the altar,  the hypocrisy of laba laba laba laba would come into a dramatic scenario and he Will hitherto lock out the entire congregation in the guise of speaking in tongues. The truth is most of this CF pastors and workers lack all types of manners and etiquette. When they are in church they do  "GAD BLESS YOU, but in their various hostels and domains, people wish they can cast them out like demons.
      The workers are something else,  they have little understanding of the bible,  and life in general. They jump from one bed to another,  they gossip,  they steal the church offering and even in their hostels,  their CGPA cannot flash mtn to mtn talkless of lighting candle. They are fifty shades of dirty inside and out, I know there are many of them that are real children of God,  but I want us to understand something. People generalize a lot,  once a worker has all the bad attitude cum behaviour the researcher earlier stated,  then all workers have it.  Beside to be candid, a whole lot have them have this character.
    If at all I become a pastor,  I mean a real pastor and not the apocalyptic end time crusader, especially in a CF,  I will have a three point agenda
    1. As a worker,  once your CGPA cannot locate your destiny,  just stay at home for a while,  face your studies,  get it right,  then come back after. Besides why will you hold programmes from Monday to Sunday,  and expect a worker or member to have time to face his or her studies,  that is evil.
    2. I will personally visit your locality and ask people randomly about you. Once I gather enough information that you are nothing to write home about, I will refer you to a counsellor,  a rehabilitation center or a specialist,  if you don't change,  go home.
    3. As a worker,  please seldom come to the altar to utter laba laba laba,  speaking in tongues is a language between you and God. It confuses the enemy about your communication with God. I repeat CONFUSE THE ENEMY,  not the congregation. And also I would never force anyone to speak in tongue. It is a personal thing. It is a thing of the mind and spirituality. If your mind doesn't tally with that of the holy spirit,  if you like speak german,  it won't work.
    Conclusively I submit that CF's need revival and deliverance,  from the pastor,  to the worker,  to the congregation. we need a cleansing,  a reformation,  a change of heart and attitude,  I pray God comes into this matter and reconcile our attitude,  behaviour and character with his,  thank you.
             OGUNDIMU SAMUEL OLAJIDE.                                                                                                  ROY                     SADO     .

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